Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mixed Media Graphic Design Series

I finally finished 5 of my favorite mixed media graphic design series pieces tonight. I think I already mentioned them before in a previous post, but be sure to check out all of the finished series at the link above. I think they're pretty rad. Pretty deep. And pretty involved.

This series is more meaningful to me than any series I've ever really done before. It all pretty much started with my Mixed Media Masterpiece titled, "What's Going On Inside [Under the Surface]" and the mother of a boy that I was dating last year, (and earlier this year) -- who kindly bought me a stack of brand new canvases one day. I don't regularly use canvases because they're somewhat expensive, I'm somewhat cheap, and I'd often prefer to experiment painting on other unique surfaces, like wood, metal, glass, etc... 

I decided that the new stack of canvases needed to be used to create a series of pieces that all go together -- which I don't always think about doing. "Mixed Media Masterpieces," I decided I'd call them. Mixed Media, as in the use of many different mediums, but also as in mixing mediums involving the actual media:  internet, television, radio, social media, advertising, magazines, commercials, billboards, newspapers, etc...

I cut a bunch of pictures out of popular magazines from all different genres -- National Geographic, Wired, Scientific American, popular women's magazines, men's magazines, nature magazines, educational magazines, history magazines, art magazines, sex magazines... whatever I could get my hands on for free from friends and dumpsters... 

I also cut a bunch of famous black and white photos out of an old school famous photography book that I got at a garage sale in Santa Cruz a long time ago, and then combined all of these images with some cut up photographs, both digital and manual, that I've taken myself over the years. After painting the canvas with some brightly, cool, colored acrylic paints, I decided I wanted a big portrait to be placed on top. Not necessarily a portrait of any particular person -- but rather a generic silhouette, of a unisex-looking individual (that turned out to appear somewhat alien-like), filled in with a bunch of my favorite cut-out images from popular culture that bombard us today, in 2010, on a frequent and intrusive basis. 

Since I contributed photos that I've taken, and imagery that I can relate to, or like, or feel strongly about, the portrait turned into a rather personal piece, interpreting what is going on inside of me... as if I even really know anyways?

But it's what's going on inside of you too. Because you're part of the population. Part of the generation. Part of the inspiration.

What gets internalized is essentially from the external world... right? I think so. Especially today. TV, billboards, commercials, advertisements, magazines, newspapers, radio, internet, signs, photographs, movies, cities, even buildings -- they all just throw images, products, places, things, ideas, words, and concepts in our faces -- whether we like it or not. 

What are we supposed to do with all of this stuff? 

It's virtually impossible to ignore. 

Yes, you can try to block all of this stuff out, and pretend it doesn't effect you. You can act as though you don't care. You can say that this is just the way it is. The truth is that even just looking at these images does something to us. We have no choice but to glance when we're on public transportation, driving somewhere, listening to music, working online, receiving e-mails and even regular mail, cell phones, in the store, waiting in line, staring at our computer screens... everything...

"Buy this product because it will do this for you, [maybe]" "Don't do this because it's bad for you and others," "Wear this because it's hot right now," "Do this because you're probably fat," "Eat this because it's cheap and tastes good," "Go here because you need a vacation," "Read this because you have to," "Listen to this because it's popular," "Get this because you need it," "Take these because they'll make you feel better," "Put this on because it'll make you look better," "Buy this because everyone else is," etc...

Gosh. Leave me alone.

Where did the trees go? The flowers? The plants? The animals? The sky?

Nature is being taken over by civilization, population, commercialization, participation, evaporation...

Granted, advertising is just the way it is now a days. It's everywhere. Even where we least expect it, or thought it would never go. There's so much money in it. Even with blogs -- everyone who has a blog [including myself] is able to put ads on their blogs, and make money off the clicks they receive on those ads. 

(Be sure to click the ads on my blog by the way, so that I can make some much needed money.) [See, even I'm going to advertise to you now.] 

I agree that spreading the word is essential, and businesses make money by having other businesses advertise with them, and vice versa. Networking. Social networking. It's all a vicious, seemingly unavoidable cycle. Deal with it, or go somewhere far, far away from human civilization, electricity and modern life. 


So, here I am, and here you are, being bombarded by images, concepts, products, words, ideas, influences, etc... that all effect us in some shape or form. We internalize them all, even if we forget about them. They all get stuck in our memories... somewhere. Brands, logos, designs, products, photos, images, people, characters, titles, and what not -- they all just want to be imprinted on your brain, shoved into your head, so that you'll remember them, trust them, buy them, and blend in with everyone and everything else, so everyone can have money, make money, spend money, and be money. 


The big eyeball on the "What's Going On Inside [Under the Surface]" piece is actually a photo of my eyeball, that I took myself, put into Adobe Lightroom/ Photoshop and converted to black & white -- bumping up the contrast, and limiting the detail -- printed onto acetate -- originally for my mixed media screen print series "Nature + Media" and "Nature + Culture" -- which I made for a final serigraphy class project in my last semester of college at San Jose State University. 

I cut the eyeball out of the original screen print design, and slapped it over some white paper, onto the mixed media canvas piece -- "What's Going On Inside [Under the Surface]" -- making it even more personalized. The eye is obviously somewhat larger than the scale of the rest of the collage -- to mainly accentuate the idea that our eyes are wide open all the time, taking all of this outside, external, influential material and then interpreting it, consciously and unconsciously, inside of ourselves. 

This is what's going on inside of me every single day. These are the products I consume, even if I don't really consume them in physical reality. These are the products that we're seeing advertised today. These are the magazines that are out now and the images that so many people look at. These are the shows that people are watching. These are the discoveries being made, the technologies being advanced, the foods being eaten, the political figures in charge, the animals in existence, the drugs being taken, the machines being used...

We live in a time where we, as humans, individually, but especially in masses, can control more that ever before: our laws, our employment, our bodies, our health, our knowledge, our relationships, our consumption, our travels, our networks, our abilities... We can buy drugs to control how we look, feel, think, and act. We can go places that used to take forever to get to, if get to at all. We can buy and eat foods that would normally be difficult to grow, kill or produce ourselves. We can talk to our friends and family members on our cell phones, on our computers, on video chats, on televisions, anywhere in the world. We can look up information in the click of a button. We can go to school online. We can essentially teleport, telecommute, televise, telephone, tele-everything. Tele, tele. 

We're in the digital ages. 

We're in the technological times. 

We're in the future that we dreamed, imagined, and now, created for ourselves.

This is the world we live in today. 

This is reality.

Hence, these ideas that I'm always trying to express, interpret, and understand, all flow back to one of my older mixed media pieces, "Everything Interconnects..."

Everything really does interconnect:  Nature. Media. Culture. Politics. Animals. Plants. Music. Rocks. Crystals. Products. Pollution. People. Places. Feelings. Dreams. Spirituality. Outer space. It all interconnects. We all share wavelengths. We all blend into one another. Maybe we think we're separate, but we're all made of the same essential things. The same atoms. Molecules. Chemicals. Dust. Matter. 

What is matter?

I try to express these thoughts, ideas, and realities in all of my artwork. Sometimes it comes out looking and translating better than others. Sometimes it makes more sense. Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it's beautiful. Sometimes it's ugly. 

Regardless, these ideas, these concepts, these feelings, these understandings, these realizations, these interpretations -- they all strongly influence me, and they all influence my art work. 

My mind is boggled every single day about all of this. 

"What's Going On Inside [Under the Surface]," just seems to put it all together much better than most of my other recent works, I believe. 


When I was finished with the mixed media masterpiece, I took digital photographs, close up, of the collage details -- creating new and unique compositions, focusing on smaller concepts, rather than the entire piece at large -- which can be easily overwhelming, distracting, and therefore not wholly paid attention to, or focused on. 

I wanted to accentuate the very strong subject matter going on within the overall mixed media piece. There's a lot going on within that head, within that collaged silhouette portrait. I really wanted to narrow some of it down. Highlight the essential details. 


Since I basically went to college to study graphic design, and digital arts -- I combined my fine art abilities with my digital photograph skills, and my computer-generated graphic design details, highlighting some of the most influential imagery within the piece, "What's Going On Inside [Under the Surface]" for my graphic design portfolio, (that needed some personalized dk love). 

Most of my graphic design portfolio is just filled with works that I've done for other people's businesses, companies, non-profits, projects, events, etc... I figured it was time I placed my own, personal touch on my graphic design portfolio. I wanted to create some designs that weren't necessarily about anything in particular, but about everything altogether. Does that even make sense?


If I were a musician, I'd want one of the compositions from this series to be my album cover. 

Maybe I'll make an album just so I can have my own album cover design. 

Are you in a band? Want me to design your album cover? 

Well, you should. I have some killer ideas. 


Are you even still reading?

Probably not.

Thanks if you even made it this far. I hope that this ridiculously lengthy explanation provides some sort of specific insight towards my recent, and always artwork. In case anyone ever needs me to repeat this information, or if anyone else ever needs it when I'm no longer alive, they can now find it on the internet. Next to some advertisements.

It's not just about the art itself. It's about the meaning. Love Dorey Kronick.

"My Goal's Beyond"

As image of the day, I'd like to post this photo I took of some ridiculously tall white daisies from my one year studio loft space rental @ a historic hotel built in 1865, in San Gregorio, CA:

(( View details about this photo @ ))

"My Goal's Beyond," an incredible album from the beautiful year, 1970, by Mahavishnu John McLaughlin is certainly the album of the day. I am currently housing a good chunk of my parent's old record collection, and pulled this out today, while trying to find an album I hadn't listened to yet. Just after putting it on, my life made more sense.

I'm serious.

Download it. Look it up. Try Pandora or Grooveshark or iTunes or just do whatever you have to do. Listen to this album. Amazing.

I'm always somewhat skeptical about posting poems that I write online, but whatever, here's one that I wrote earlier this year:

lets get serious
maybe i'm delirious 
but at least i'm not furious
just curious
and i don't want to hear you fuss
you don't have to be like us
just do what you got to do cause
you're young and you're a hustling bus
some things are a must
even giving into lust
doing what you feel is just
it's not always a bust
you can feel the gust
of brisk ocean air
in your hair
earthly care
lets not make it rare
just try to be fair
if you have to, stare
be bare.
snuggle your teddy bear
eat a juicy pear
accept a dare
hit the town in underwear
live your dreams
join teams
mend seams
walk in streams
feel the sunshine beams
get warm and fuzzy inside
don't forget to enjoy the ride
and take pride
try not to hide
too much
enjoy your life and such


--More DK poems to come in the future. 

I'll leave you with some words from a Devandra Banhart song, "somebody hug somebody, tell somebody that you love somebody."

Saturday, October 23, 2010

After the Rain

Today's song on repeat:   "After the Rain," by Little Dragon.

P.S. Have I mentioned It's a sweet free internet radio website that's better than Pandora (in my opinion). You can choose your songs, make playlists, listen to songs that you love over and over again on repeat, and there are no commercials. I hope it sticks around... whenever things like this exist, they seem to get snatched up by evil advertisements, or start charging money.... like Napster. Does anyone remember that?

Anyways, below you'll see one of the pieces I posted a few days ago, but with some graphic design elements added to it. I'm convinced this needs to be an album cover for a really radical band. Are you in a band? Maybe this should be your album cover. Picture some killer font over it, with your bands name + album title in bold...

I just ate one of those dove chocolates that has a quote on the inside of the foil, and it reminded me that "Thanks and love," are two words that are never said enough. In that case, thank you for caring, supporting, and encouraging my creativity. I love you. Really, I do.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Video Day

Watch a Dorey Kronick Video Interview from the RAW: Natural Born Artist group art show @ 111 Minna Gallery in San Francisco, CA on September 23, 2010.

Warning, this next video is definitely too hot for your kids: Sex+Design, the San Francisco based online magazine that I'm currently Creative Assistant for, put together a Halloween film based photo shoot @ The Palace Hotel a couple of weeks ago. I was able to take some behind the scene photos myself which are not on the "Photography" section of my website, and you can spot me as Set Assistant in our pretty hot behind the scenes video, in collaberation with a fat beat:  click here to watch it.

New Graphic Design pieces, like the one you see below, all of which fall under the title, "What's Going On Inside [Under the Surface] Close Up Series," have also been posted today on my website @ There's always more work to come. 

While you're checking out my website, you may as well hear my favorite song of today that I can't seem to stop listening to, "Hearing Damage," by Thom Yorke. It seems to accompany my images quire well.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Friends In Rainbows

This is a digital photo that I took of my friend, Jordan Miller, in 2008... Maybe 2009? I edited it in Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop, then added the color graphic design in Adobe Illustrator and dropped a poem that I wrote on top of it. The poem doesn't really have anything directly to do with Jordan, but I really like the combination of photos with graphics and words, and I think they all deem appropriate together. Jordan has a creative eye, creative vision, creative soul, and obviously a knack for filmmaking/producing. Thank goodness for creative friends.

I've had this photo in my library for a long time and just finally had time to look at it and edit it over the past few days. It was actually a snapshot, taken just for fun, and in the moment at his old house in Oakland, CA -- where he and several other friends shared a creative house together. Jordan Miller is a filmmaker and works with/for his family's film production company. Along with a large group of friends, family, and other talented creative geniuses, the Miller family + Regenerate Films recently came out with a very inspirational, comedic, dramatic, modern, and realistic independent feature film titled, "My Suicide." Don't let the title throw you off -- the movie has won several awards globally and is just generally a really great, well-written story, made with incredible care, thought, and hope. It is not your typical indie film and it definitely blew my mind with its combination of animation + real life, relatable plot, intense topic, and overall execution. Check it out:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Heart Connection. Beat Connection.

Lets connect. 
Share wavelengths. 
You know.
Lets make our hearts beat in rhythm together.
Feel it.
Let our souls meet.
Let us fly.
Let the love flow.

Photograph Close Up of Dorey Kronick Mixed Media Art Piece, "What's Going On Inside." Copyright 2010.

I'm going to try to post a whole series of similar photograph collages tomorrow and Friday, both on this blog, and on my personal art/design website. Keep an eye out.

Today, the song that describes my life is, "As Far As I can See" by Phantogram, who I saw on Saturday 10/16/10 @ Treasure Island Music Festival in SF. It is definitely being played on repeat. Over and over and over and over again. I highly recommend this band. I highly recommend music in general. Where would I be today without it? I think my heart is about to leap out of my chest and my brain is about to fly out the pupils of my eyeballs.

Monday, October 18, 2010

New BATTLEHOOCH Music Video: "Death Runs Wild"


Presently, I'm subletting a bedroom, (Grant's bedroom [the bassist with the long straight hair and big grandpa glasses], to be specific), in a house in San Francisco, CA that belongs to a whacky wonderful group of friends that I love very dearly: BATTLEHOOCH. They're on a U.S. tour right now and I miss their lovely faces all too much.

I've known these boys since my early college days, living in Santa Cruz, CA. While they've all been in a bunch of different bands with a bunch of different people, wearing a bunch of colorful silly outfits, (and all still are today), BATTLEHOOCH has been the one band that has held on, kept them all together, having them live under one roof, and under one collective musical vision. Not only are these babes extremely talented and witty musicians, but they're also incredible, sweet friends and beautiful people all around. These boys make you laugh, show you love, embrace your beauties, cherish your soul, get you to sing along, and dance until you sweat, your feet hurt from dancing, and your brain might even melt in the process...

BATTLEHOOCH is an epic, eclectic, eccentric, electric, exciting, exceptional six-man band from San Francisco, CA. The ridiculously fun "piecechow" rock group is currently touring the United States, traveling by van, on a four month long journey titled: Desolation Tour 2010. 

This music video for "Death Runs Wild," [like all of their other radical videos], was made, edited, and produced by Battlehooch's very own talented and dear friends:

Directed by: Gabriel Armstrong
Edited by: Easton Grainer
Credits: Easton Grainer and Dorey Kronick

It is second in a series of 'Desolation Shows' highlighting different beautiful and barren areas of America. This particular entry takes place in the Red Rock Canyons of the Southwest United States. Don't let it fool you though, they already have a very diverse collection of previously made music videos that still need to be seen and will pretty much blow your mind and rock your pants off.

Battlehooch will make you daaaaaance! Make you yell. Make you question your conception of music and its supposed theory. Cheers Battlehooch!!: Travel. Pull over. Set up. ROCK OUT! Don't stop! 

Catch Battlehooch LIVE in San Francisco @ their homecoming tour!: 

November 19th, 2010
Bottom of the Hill

Check out their sites and songs and discover the band that is undoubtedly going to change your life:

--- I wrote part of this mini review for the SF based online magazine that I'm currently Creative Assistant for:    Sex+Design. Check us out @

Sunday, October 17, 2010

i have a blog. What?

It took a rainy day in San Francisco for me to finally create a blog. I've been talking about starting one for a long time now. I pretty much think of a blog, or at least my blog, as an online, public journal kind of thing full of somewhat personal thoughts and ideas that I'd like to share. How many people will actually care to read my blog.... I don't know. But I may as well have one because I've got a lot on my mind and my random collections of thoughts on paper are starting to get overwhelming, sloppy, and scattered all over my bedroom. I'd love to save some paper. And I'd love to join the internet blogging era.... I guess? Whatever. 

Hello world and whoever reads this blog, this is the blog life of Dorey Kronick, Mixed Media Artist and Graphic Designer. 

I woke up at 12:37pm today with some crazy thoughts and feelings after having some crazy weird dreams. (I won't talk about them today... I'm still trying to comprehend them.) I could hear rain outside. My phone was vibrating on the funky green trunk next to my bed. It was an ex-boyfriend (who I still have ridiculous complex mixed feelings for and about) calling to ask me for someone's number. 

"That's it? That's all you called me for?" The rest of my day was consumed by weird feelings after that. Weird dreams always lead to weird days though. What else did I expect? I'm an artist... so I should really be making things to express these indescribable feelings of weirdness. I'll have to do that before I go to bed tonight.

"Picasso made a piece of art every single day of his life," my mother once told me. I think about this idea all the time and try to follow the same rule for myself and my art. Fill time and space with colors, shapes, ideas... What else am I good for anyways? Actually, nevermind: I try to work on my good karma each and every day as well. Plus I try to eat something healthy and do something that involves exercise. And learn something new. I also try to say and/or do something nice, encouraging, and/or supportive to at least one person every day too. So, summing it up.... I really try to do something good for my mind, body, and soul each and every single day. 

With that said, I'd like to state some intentions for this blog:

I want inspire people and help others come up with good ideas. By posting incredible photographs, artworks, designs, poems, songs, and ideas -- I hope to give other people some incredibly creative, enlightening, and thought-provoking ideas. I'll try my best not to complain, not to blabber on and on about meaningless crap, and not to post things that are negative. Positive vibes only. So lets share some wavelengths people, friends, family...

Yesterday was Treasure Island Music Festival in San Francisco. My dear friend, Justin Labrecque, got us both tickets from Dave Smith -- the synthesizer/keyboard company that he works for -- and we were stoked to go for free <3 Times are tough, so we wouldn't have made it if we hadn't have gotten those sweet tickets. Thanks Dave Smith! !!! (Chk Chk Chk) gave a shout out to Dave Smith during their live show :) LCD Soundsystem, !!!, Phantogram, Four Tet, Little Dragon, and Miike Snow were quite fabulous live and made me dance my pants off. Literally. My pants were falling off. I suppose I should've worn a belt. 

Running into people I know from all over the Bay Area, and beyond, is always fun and uplifting. It reminds me how small the world is and can be. At the same time, it reminds me how big the world is though... I found myself standing next to people I went to high school with long ago, and never thought I'd see them again, or even have to think of them again. College friends were there too, plus old work friends, new work friends, artist friends, musician friends, random friends, elementary school friends, acquaintance friends, people who were never friends at all.... Every twenty something year old person I knew in the Bay was pretty much there. Running into people I knew was inevitable. As always. It was quite an epic day, all in all. And quite epic musical performances. Thank goodness. I live for these kinds of days. There simply cannot be enough of them. 

Inspirational words of today, by me:

Experience music for all that it's worth. Soak it in. Feel it. Let it move you. Don't be afraid to let out all that you have inside of you. Express yourself. Appreciate vibrations. Give yourself to the moment. Do whatever it takes to feel alive, to feel human. Be human. Share your soul with others. Put your soul into whatever you care about, into whatever you love. Love you, love others, love life, love. Be. Be love. Love be.