"sometimes we are filled inside with everything that is on the outside of us," i said yesterday.
"our surroundings [environmentally, atmospherically, internationally, universally, spacially, emotionally...] and the people amongst us influence who we are and what fills us as individuals - consciously and subconsciously."
i am constantly putting new and unique puzzles together with pieces and images that would not have necessarily fit or met if i hadn't have introduced them by cutting them out of separate sources [magazines, books, cards, flyers, catalogues, internet print outs... all regarding different subject matters... which can all in some shape or form, be put into one piece of art with paints of different kinds and become a whole, unified, single, solid composition with a varied complex un-entirely agreed upon explanation of sorts. everyone will come up with their own meanings, comprehensions, and verified conclusions for each work of art themselves.
there is never one answer.
this is the beauty of art and the beauty of being human.
maybe beauty is the wrong word. but it's something.
we teach monkeys and gorillas how to write. we practice how to understand and study things. do other animals? why is education so focused on narrowed, pre-selected, and often uncreative information and curriculum? no other animal uses written language or numbers to live their life by. [or do they?] the human race seems focused on the wrong things. our feelings, instincts, and natural tendencies are often forced to be repressed. we pretend to "set things in stone" by writing, signing papers, electronically transferring information, numbers, words, laws, rules, regulations, etc. animal "laws" (if you can even call them that) do not have a written, signed constitution. not to say that it's a free for all either - but to some extent - animals just know because of their instincts, and if they don't, they can die, and nature handles it. of course, with human intervention - because we're some kind of crazy breeding, over-populating, possessive, intrusive, invading, convinced, congregational species - we're chemically, and dominatingly taking over and controlling the earth and it's inhabitants. not just the animals -- although they're highly affected -- but also the plants, soul, natural, resources, water, rocks, mountains, oceans, sand, everything. we're an invasive species in so many set up ways.
i'm a contributor.
why a human? why not another animal? or a bug? or a plant? why a female? why am i a human female?
i'll let you know when i figure it out.
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