Saturday, October 23, 2010

After the Rain

Today's song on repeat:   "After the Rain," by Little Dragon.

P.S. Have I mentioned It's a sweet free internet radio website that's better than Pandora (in my opinion). You can choose your songs, make playlists, listen to songs that you love over and over again on repeat, and there are no commercials. I hope it sticks around... whenever things like this exist, they seem to get snatched up by evil advertisements, or start charging money.... like Napster. Does anyone remember that?

Anyways, below you'll see one of the pieces I posted a few days ago, but with some graphic design elements added to it. I'm convinced this needs to be an album cover for a really radical band. Are you in a band? Maybe this should be your album cover. Picture some killer font over it, with your bands name + album title in bold...

I just ate one of those dove chocolates that has a quote on the inside of the foil, and it reminded me that "Thanks and love," are two words that are never said enough. In that case, thank you for caring, supporting, and encouraging my creativity. I love you. Really, I do.