It took a rainy day in San Francisco for me to finally create a blog. I've been talking about starting one for a long time now. I pretty much think of a blog, or at least my blog, as an online, public journal kind of thing full of somewhat personal thoughts and ideas that I'd like to share. How many people will actually care to read my blog.... I don't know. But I may as well have one because I've got a lot on my mind and my random collections of thoughts on paper are starting to get overwhelming, sloppy, and scattered all over my bedroom. I'd love to save some paper. And I'd love to join the internet blogging era.... I guess? Whatever.
Hello world and whoever reads this blog, this is the blog life of Dorey Kronick, Mixed Media Artist and Graphic Designer.
I woke up at 12:37pm today with some crazy thoughts and feelings after having some crazy weird dreams. (I won't talk about them today... I'm still trying to comprehend them.) I could hear rain outside. My phone was vibrating on the funky green trunk next to my bed. It was an ex-boyfriend (who I still have ridiculous complex mixed feelings for and about) calling to ask me for someone's number.
"That's it? That's all you called me for?" The rest of my day was consumed by weird feelings after that. Weird dreams always lead to weird days though. What else did I expect? I'm an artist... so I should really be making things to express these indescribable feelings of weirdness. I'll have to do that before I go to bed tonight.
"Picasso made a piece of art every single day of his life," my mother once told me. I think about this idea all the time and try to follow the same rule for myself and my art. Fill time and space with colors, shapes, ideas... What else am I good for anyways? Actually, nevermind: I try to work on my good karma each and every day as well. Plus I try to eat something healthy and do something that involves exercise. And learn something new. I also try to say and/or do something nice, encouraging, and/or supportive to at least one person every day too. So, summing it up.... I really try to do something good for my mind, body, and soul each and every single day.
With that said, I'd like to state some intentions for this blog:
I want inspire people and help others come up with good ideas. By posting incredible photographs, artworks, designs, poems, songs, and ideas -- I hope to give other people some incredibly creative, enlightening, and thought-provoking ideas. I'll try my best not to complain, not to blabber on and on about meaningless crap, and not to post things that are negative. Positive vibes only. So lets share some wavelengths people, friends, family...
Yesterday was Treasure Island Music Festival in San Francisco. My dear friend, Justin Labrecque, got us both tickets from Dave Smith -- the synthesizer/keyboard company that he works for -- and we were stoked to go for free <3 Times are tough, so we wouldn't have made it if we hadn't have gotten those sweet tickets. Thanks Dave Smith! !!! (Chk Chk Chk) gave a shout out to Dave Smith during their live show :) LCD Soundsystem, !!!, Phantogram, Four Tet, Little Dragon, and Miike Snow were quite fabulous live and made me dance my pants off. Literally. My pants were falling off. I suppose I should've worn a belt.
Running into people I know from all over the Bay Area, and beyond, is always fun and uplifting. It reminds me how small the world is and can be. At the same time, it reminds me how big the world is though... I found myself standing next to people I went to high school with long ago, and never thought I'd see them again, or even have to think of them again. College friends were there too, plus old work friends, new work friends, artist friends, musician friends, random friends, elementary school friends, acquaintance friends, people who were never friends at all.... Every twenty something year old person I knew in the Bay was pretty much there. Running into people I knew was inevitable. As always. It was quite an epic day, all in all. And quite epic musical performances. Thank goodness. I live for these kinds of days. There simply cannot be enough of them.
Inspirational words of today, by me:
Experience music for all that it's worth. Soak it in. Feel it. Let it move you. Don't be afraid to let out all that you have inside of you. Express yourself. Appreciate vibrations. Give yourself to the moment. Do whatever it takes to feel alive, to feel human. Be human. Share your soul with others. Put your soul into whatever you care about, into whatever you love. Love you, love others, love life, love. Be. Be love. Love be.

Hello world and whoever reads this blog, this is the blog life of Dorey Kronick, Mixed Media Artist and Graphic Designer.
I woke up at 12:37pm today with some crazy thoughts and feelings after having some crazy weird dreams. (I won't talk about them today... I'm still trying to comprehend them.) I could hear rain outside. My phone was vibrating on the funky green trunk next to my bed. It was an ex-boyfriend (who I still have ridiculous complex mixed feelings for and about) calling to ask me for someone's number.
"That's it? That's all you called me for?" The rest of my day was consumed by weird feelings after that. Weird dreams always lead to weird days though. What else did I expect? I'm an artist... so I should really be making things to express these indescribable feelings of weirdness. I'll have to do that before I go to bed tonight.
"Picasso made a piece of art every single day of his life," my mother once told me. I think about this idea all the time and try to follow the same rule for myself and my art. Fill time and space with colors, shapes, ideas... What else am I good for anyways? Actually, nevermind: I try to work on my good karma each and every day as well. Plus I try to eat something healthy and do something that involves exercise. And learn something new. I also try to say and/or do something nice, encouraging, and/or supportive to at least one person every day too. So, summing it up.... I really try to do something good for my mind, body, and soul each and every single day.
With that said, I'd like to state some intentions for this blog:
I want inspire people and help others come up with good ideas. By posting incredible photographs, artworks, designs, poems, songs, and ideas -- I hope to give other people some incredibly creative, enlightening, and thought-provoking ideas. I'll try my best not to complain, not to blabber on and on about meaningless crap, and not to post things that are negative. Positive vibes only. So lets share some wavelengths people, friends, family...
Yesterday was Treasure Island Music Festival in San Francisco. My dear friend, Justin Labrecque, got us both tickets from Dave Smith -- the synthesizer/keyboard company that he works for -- and we were stoked to go for free <3 Times are tough, so we wouldn't have made it if we hadn't have gotten those sweet tickets. Thanks Dave Smith! !!! (Chk Chk Chk) gave a shout out to Dave Smith during their live show :) LCD Soundsystem, !!!, Phantogram, Four Tet, Little Dragon, and Miike Snow were quite fabulous live and made me dance my pants off. Literally. My pants were falling off. I suppose I should've worn a belt.
Running into people I know from all over the Bay Area, and beyond, is always fun and uplifting. It reminds me how small the world is and can be. At the same time, it reminds me how big the world is though... I found myself standing next to people I went to high school with long ago, and never thought I'd see them again, or even have to think of them again. College friends were there too, plus old work friends, new work friends, artist friends, musician friends, random friends, elementary school friends, acquaintance friends, people who were never friends at all.... Every twenty something year old person I knew in the Bay was pretty much there. Running into people I knew was inevitable. As always. It was quite an epic day, all in all. And quite epic musical performances. Thank goodness. I live for these kinds of days. There simply cannot be enough of them.
Inspirational words of today, by me:
Experience music for all that it's worth. Soak it in. Feel it. Let it move you. Don't be afraid to let out all that you have inside of you. Express yourself. Appreciate vibrations. Give yourself to the moment. Do whatever it takes to feel alive, to feel human. Be human. Share your soul with others. Put your soul into whatever you care about, into whatever you love. Love you, love others, love life, love. Be. Be love. Love be.